Dr. Uma Jain - International Experience
International Experience
Uma Jain’s international experience has contributed to the development of a unique set of skills and competencies as a trainer and consultant as well as sensitivity to cross-cultural dimensions. Amongst her international experiences are:
- Participation and facilitation in several programs at The NTL Institute of Applied Behavioural Science, USA in which people from USA, Canada, Europe, Southeast Asia, Africa and other parts of the world participated.
- Presentations in conferences at Monte Carlo, Singapore and Mexico.
- She has been certified and licensed to conduct `The Organization Workshop’ by Power and Systems, USA, an organization founded by Barry Oshry who had originally designed this workshop. She is the only certified trainer for this workshop in India
- Visit to the University of Graz in Austria as a visiting Faculty for a Group Dynamics laboratory
- In-house programmes for Utmost Group, Dubai
- Keynote speaker during the HRD Conference in Tehran and conducted a workshop on values-clarification as an HRD intervention.
- Conducted programme for women leaders at Mauritius.