May we be protected together, The Teacher & Student
May we be nourished together
May we work together with great vigor
May our study be enlightening
May no obstacle arise between us
- Universal Prayer
I never teach my pupils. I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn.
- Albert Einstein
Not that profit and product are no longer important, but without continuing learning they will no longer be possible.
- H. Owens
Companies that are able to align human resources with organizational vision and objectives will establish competitive edge. Willingness to constantly evaluate and measure the degree of alignment will maintain that edge.
- Lisa Smith
Leaders are more powerful role models when they learn more than when they teach.
- Rosa Beth Moss-Kantor
Training Programs
Saharth works with individuals, groups, organizations and institutions seeking to unleash their potential and enhance personal and professional competence for meaningful and effective personal and organisational life. We provide a variety of training programmes and innovative learning opportunities. These training programs have the richness of a very special expertise evolved through in-depth work over the last twenty-five years in various programmes by our Principal consultant, Dr. Uma Jain and her collaborators. Our methodology involves and emphasises:
- Experiential work with a mix of structured and semi-structured exercises, simulations and conceptual inputs depending upon the learning agenda and duration.
- A highly participative process to utilise the existing knowledge and experience of each participant and making the best resources available for the learning of the whole group.
- In-depth exploration of beliefs, values and attitudes bringing out the best potential of the participants while respecting their autonomy to make relevant choices.
- Developing the ability to be aware of self, others and the whole in each situation.
- Focus on developing perspectives, skills and capabilities, building a support system to practice the learnings and also learning a way to learn from one’s experiences in future.
We conduct in-house training as well as offer open programmes in special areas in which people from various organisations participate.
Our programmes currently focus on the following four areas:
Developing Competence in Values
Developing Competence in Collaboration
Developing Competence in Leadership
Personal Development and Interpersonal Competence
We believe that each group and client’s needs, purpose and preferences are unique and our skills and competencies in the field allow scope for developing designs tailored to the needs of our clients in each new assignment.
Please contact us for more details about any of the programmes you are interested to know more about.