A good reputation naturally arises from doing good work. But if you try to cherish your reputation, if you try to preserve it, you lose the freedom and honesty necessary for further development.
- The Tao of Leadership
Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.
- Andre Gide
Everything can be taken from a man but one thing; the last of the human freedoms to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way."
- Viktor Frankl
It’s critical to remember that it is not the actual obstacles and problems themselves that determine our results. What really matters is how we react and respond to our obstacles and problems.
- Garry Zancanaro
Training Programs
Personal Development and Interpersonal Competence
As the world, and organisations in it are getting more complex every day, there is increasing need to bring out the best potential of people. For this purpose it is important that individuals develop themselves continuously to bring out their own best and also the best from others through the relationships they build. Hence, many progressive and world-class organizations focus on the development of personal and interpersonal competencies. Trainers and internal change agents play an important role in developing these.
Executives and Managers who understand themselves and the impact of their behaviour on others, are able to understand other people and be sensitive to them are more effective in dealing with inter-personal issues at work. Saharth offers a number of programmes focusing on improving the awareness of self in inter-personal behaviour with the objectives of enhancing personal effectiveness. Some of the programmes in this area are:
- Personal Growth Laboratory
- Self Awareness and Interpersonal Relations
- Training for Trainers
- Leadership Development for Women Managers/professionals
Our workshops and laboratories in this area provide an opportunity to:
- Understand one’s own style, feelings, needs, aspirations and patterns of behaviour.
- Understand the impact of one’s behaviour on others.
- Develop skills in understanding people ‚ listening, empathy
- Understand the impact of one’s inter-personal relationships on work and personal life and effectiveness.
- Identify for oneself areas for change and make action plans.
- Develop support system for continuing the process of desired change.
These programmes use in-depth group process work enriched by the experience and expertise of our principal consultant Dr. Uma Jain in cross-cultural settings with premier institutions in the field viz, Indian Society for Applied Behavioural Science & NTL institute of Applied Behavioural Science, USA and our collaborating resource persons. Coverage and depth of the various programmes varies according to needs and duration.
I have experienced Dr .uma Jain since my journey in ISABS since 1995. I have experienced her both as a process student in a lab where she was facilitating me and also in some labs as co-facilitators. It was always a great treatise to experience her skill in terms of group process and have always seen her as a giving person in terms of my own learning process. She is really a warm person.
- Sunil Jha, Chief Human Resource Officer, BPL Mobile Communications
Please contact us for more details about any of the programmes you are interested to know more about.